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24 articles
(Parent/Coach/Teacher) How can I reset my kid's password?
What's the difference between &
(Kid) Someone is being mean or rude to me. What do I do?
My question isn't answered here. Who can I contact?
Fair Play on What you Need to Know
(Adult Account) How can I change my username?
Can I change my avatar, background, pieces, or board?
What age range is ChessKid designed for?
What is a tie break?
(Kids) Why can't I start a game in Fast Chess?
How do ratings work? Does the site link to my USCF (or other international) rating?
How do I earn activity stars?
Who owns and operates
Custom Usernames
Who gets a trophy in a tournament?
I want to tell people about another website outside of Chesskid. Can I do that?
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I didn't receive the confirmation email. How can I activate my account?
Contact us
The navigation buttons on the site are smaller and at the top of my screen. What happened?
Are Usernames case sensitive? Are Passwords case sensitive?
How to Add an Existing Kid Account to Your Kids List?
Usernames And Custom Usernames